Why do wrinkles appear? How to deal with them?

(Last Updated On: 8 December 2019)

People usually associate crow’s feet and laugh lines with getting older. After all, as your skin ages, it loses elasticity and can start to show Wrinkles and fine lines.
The causes of Wrinkles are many and varied, and our ability to limit their harmful influence on the condition of our skin varies, too. Understanding how these factors influence your skin is an essential first step for anyone who wants to lessen the visible signs of aging.

Intrinsic Causes of Wrinkles

A wide range of factors contribute to the different kinds of Wrinkles that everybody’s skin acquires over the years. Some stem entirely from our own life choices, while others are totally beyond our control. Generally, it’s a blend of the two—we can’t entirely escape the influences that lead Wrinkles to form, but we can take significant steps to minimize the threats to our skin.

Sugary Snacks Are Your Absolute Favorite

I’d live off donuts and donuts alone if it was considered healthy and acceptable. But sadly, it is not. While the occasional treat is perfectly OK, a diet high in sugar can lead to all sorts of skin troubles — including the onset of Wrinkles. “Diets high in sugar and low in antioxidants found in fruits and vegetables lead to poor skin nutrition and have pro-aging effects,” says Dr. Patricia Ceballos, also of Schweiger Dermatology Group. She suggests steering clear of carbohydrates and sugary sweets and switching over to fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and complex carbs instead.


Exposure to ultraviolet (UV) light

For example, through sunbathing, tanning booths, and outdoor sports increases the chance of developing Wrinkles earlier.
UV light breaks down the collagen and elastin fibers in the skin. These fibers form the skin’s connective tissue. They are located under the surface of the skin, and they support the skin. Breaking down this layer causes the skin to become weaker and less flexible. The skin starts to droop, and Wrinkles appear.

Smoking also causes Wrinkles

By now, most people understand that there’s nothing glamorous about smoking cigarettes. The skin damage caused by smoking is plainly evident when you compare smokers with nonsmokers. There is resounding evidence that smoking damages the skin and causes increased facial aging, less than flattering color change and wrinkling.

How to fight Wrinkles naturally

A natural consequence of aging and a full life is Wrinkles — skin irregularities caused by loss of collagen in the skin, which in turn is caused mainly by sun damage and aging. Here are 11 ways to fight those annoying lines and Wrinkles — so you can look as young as you feel!

  • Exfoliate the top layer of your skin.
  • Apply Vitamin A.
  • Hydrate and moisturize.
  • Add oils.
  • Prevent Wrinkles with wrinkle-freezers.
  • Protect your skin from the sun.

The Food and Drink Plan

Remember that in the fight against Wrinkles is also extremely important diet. Below we present a diagram of the correct power cycle.

Eat foods rich in antioxidants. By minimizing cell damage, they fight aging from the inside, out, plus they’re high in fiber, low in saturated fat, and a good source of vitamins. Look to leafy green veggies, fruits, anything with Omega-3 (wild salmon), avocados, nuts/seeds, and berries.
Drink plenty of water. We’ve been trained to believe that eight glasses a day is a one-size-fit-all number for how much water we should be drinking. But in reality, there is no magic number.

Water needs are actually individual and can vary according to your body weight, activity level, health status, and temperature outside

. One rule of thumb you can follow is 1oz per 30 kcal of calories consumed. If you’re not one for a math equation, download the iDrated phone app, which will determine exactly how much you should be drinking according to your age and weight.

  • Drink a glass of water as soon as you wake up.
  • Keep water next to your bed when you go to sleep at night.
  • Keep water at your desk at work.
  • Put a sticky note on your computer to remind you to drink up.
  • Carry a water bottle with you in your bag.
  • Drink before, during, and after exercise. If exercising for longer than 60 minutes, consider a sports drink.
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A registered medical dietitian. She has been dealing with dietetics for many years and expanding her knowledge through participation in dietetics-related conferences and training as well as reading scientific press. She helps children and adults to overcome their dietary difficulties, such as overweight and underweight, and get rid of bad eating habits. She also lectures on dietetics and proper supplementation. Thanks to the work in one of the largest dietetics companies in England, she learned the importance of suitable motivation and support in the process of changing eating habits. She gets much satisfaction when she can encourage people to lead healthy lifestyle. She knows well that everyone has own specific needs, and therefore she diagnoses all her patients on a case-by-case basis.